Fire Season 2021

Fire season in the Pacific Northwest has definitely arrived and along with that comes a County -wide burn ban for unincorporated Pierce County. We see nightly news coverage of fires throughout the state and  we are watering our plants and shrubs more than normal.
State and County fire resources have trained and completed resource planning; they are prepared for a busy fire season.  Now it is time for all of us to do our part by preparing our homes, obtaining the items for our “go-bags”, and making preparations to evacuate if directed by Fire Incident Commanders or Pierce County Emergency Management personnel.
By being informed, preparing our homes, and being able to fend for ourselves, emergency responders will be able to devote their resources to emergency incident mitigation.
Suggested Readings:
Watch a 30-minute video “Understanding the Wildfire Threat to Homes”.  An overview of fire history, fire basics, and how homes burn. 
Learn about alerts and warnings. Sign-up for Pierce County Emergency Management alerts.
Obtain a recommended list of food, water, and essential items that would be useful for you in making your disaster emergency kit
Find out more about All Hazards preparedness, CPR/First Aid training opportunities and additional emergency resources i.e.; Red Cross, State Emergency Management.


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