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Wildfire preparations

As a home owner in Trilogy-Tehaleh, you may already know that creating a fire-resistant zone around your home is the first step to prepare for wildfires. This can be done by clearing leaves, debris or flammable materials for at least a 30-foot perimeter from your home. You can also maintain a 3-foot strip around each building down to gravel, sand, or mineral soil as a fuel break. Clear vegetation and keep lawn grass hydrated and mowed to below four inches. Create fire fuel breaks with paths, walkways, driveways, decks, and patios. Use ember-resistant building materials to protect your home1.

You can also purchase a house with fire sprinklers installed and strengthen your home with fire-resistant materials1.

It’s important to make copies of important documents and pictures and keep a copy of them at a friend’s or relative’s house. Put the originals in a fire-resistant safe. Make an escape plan to evacuate your home in case of a fire or other emergency. Prepare your emergency kit and develop a wildfire action plan1.


Forbes: How To Prepare For A Wildfire – Forbes Home

