What is the difference between the neighborhood TERT and TERT Central? 

  • Neighborhoods have organizations that help advise Trilogy residents to prepare for emergencies. They are also there to help during an emergency.
  • TERT Central is what we call the central committee that meets every other month. We are a steering committee that helps shape neighborhood responses, coordinate with local agencies, arrange trainings, and connect with local ham radio operators to find out what’s going on regionally in the event of a mega emergency. 

Under normal circumstances, will TERT respond to a medical emergency at my home? 

  • No. Call 911 for all emergencies
  • In the rare instance that first responders are unable to reach Trilogy during a major disaster, we will do what we can, but we are not a fire or police agency. We are a club that emphasizes readiness. We cannot tell you what to do or not to do. We will do what we can to help until trained professionals can reach us.

What can I do to prepare myself? 

The best thing you can do is have fresh water, food, and a first aid kit. Also, we recommend having a go bag you could grab in case you were ordered to evacuate.  CPR classes and first aid training would make you valuable in an emergency. A list of necessary supplies is available on this website. 

Which emergencies are most likely?

Wildland fires are a relatively new threat to normally rain-soaked Western Washington. We have an active earthquake fault offshore and an active volcano nearby. Windstorms and wildfires are more frequent. However, preparing for all emergencies is a good idea

How much water should I have? How much food should I have?

  • Some authorities recommend a gallon per person per day for up to 14 days. Costco and Amazon offer a 28 day emergency supply of food. Our local fire department East Pierce Fire Rescue suggests any extra food and water that you have on hand is better than nothing.

Should I evacuate in an emergency?  

  • Unless ordered by the sheriff, we believe your best bet is to stay here in our modern up-to-code homes where people care about you and are willing to pitch in and help. However, every person and every disaster is different. We will not stop you from trying to evacuate. Bear in mind, there’s only one road out of here and it could be overwhelmed with traffic in some emergencies.

Does TERT work with local agencies? 

  • Yes, We regularly team with the fire department and offer classes on AED, CPR, fire, extinguisher usage, and other topics.

How can I volunteer?

  • Your neighborhood coordinator should be able to find a role for you.
  • Ask your neighborhood coordinator how you can be part of your neighborhood team. A list of neighborhood TERT Captains/contacts are available on the TERT MTL website

How can I Prepare my property?

Being prepared for disasters is everyone’s job. It’s your responsibility to prepare for potential disasters and for the safety of your life and property. TERT is made up of your neighbors and exists to help you prepare for disasters we are most likely to encounter, which include wildfires, earthquakes, winter storms, windstorms, volcanic eruptions and Lahar events. The time to prepare for those potential disasters is NOW before disasters strike.

Wherever you live in Trilogy, your survival in a disaster will likely depend on your level of preparation before the disaster strikes.

The fact is, after a major disaster, you may need to survive on your own for an extended period of time. This means it’s important to have food, water, medications and other supplies for at least two weeks. 

Basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, internet and even cell phone service may be disrupted for days or weeks. You may have to evacuate your home at a moment’s notice, taking essentials with you. At that point, there may not be time to search for the supplies you need.